After the skyping session we headed to a beach we had yet to explore.
The sand was so silky, smooth and brown reminded us of cacao powder. The fairies's footprints next to each other looked so cool and perfect. They were running side by side towards the tide pools.
There were these crazy designs on the sand and little holes. While resting on the beach MomT discovered the sneaky little crabs crawling around.
We had the whole beach to ourselves, except for some dogs.
Another cute suit from Sandy. Fairy2 loved the tide pools. She was picking all of the snails from the rocks and plopping them back into the water.
A good luck sea treasure called a hamburger bean.
The other night while we were walking on the beach to get dinner we realized two people in our party had left their flip flops on the beach. DadD went back with a flashlight and luckily found Fairy1's flippys. Our friend was willing to sacrifice his to the ocean or a flip flop thief. The reason I brought this up is because we found tons of shoes at the top of the beach while searching for hamburger beans. It is easy to forget about stuff here especially while on the beach gazing at a beautiful sunset.
The entrance to our finca (neighborhood).
Here is a cool caterpillar we noticed while pulling into the driveway.
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