Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mellow Out Day (Tuesday)

The Fab4 went to Naked Foods for their last farmer's market. DadD was asked if he wanted to do the cleanse one more day, he was ready to be off the cleanse so he politely declined. MomT is still in awe that he offered to participate in the first place. MomT decided to do the cleanse one more day and be done on Wednesday. She couldn't abandon all the juices and foods prepared for her just yet.

The afternoon was mellow. Pool, painting and just chillin. MomT went to a yoga class and DadD went surfing. It was DadD's best surf day yet. Lot's of caught waves...yeah.

After dinner MomT and Fairy1 went to a Laughing Yoga class. This was, as Fairy1 put it, ridiculous...ridiculously hysterical. It was led by their much beloved friend Sim. Sim has been instrumental in the cleanse and in helping the Fab4 create their amazing experience here in Nosara this year. They are forever grateful for his wisdom...and laughing.

Fairy1 and MomT pretty much laughed for almost an entire hour. The 90 minute class also included yoga asanas and breathing....while laughing They both had extremely sore diaphragms the next morning. What an amazing workout. Fairy1 was overjoyed that she was with adults acting as silly as possible and laughing. A dream come true especially since one of the adults was her mom who decided she herself needs to laugh more. MomT will definitely not be giving up her Iyengar practice when she gets home but can see herself doing the laughing yoga again with Fairy1.

No pictures today, sorry.

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